November 20 & 22
The parents meeting for 3rd semester UG students was held on 20th and 22nd November, 2023 at Saint Chavara Hall. The purpose of the meeting was to provide parents with the insights to their child’s academic progress, general discipline in the college, review of add-on courses and to seek feedback and suggestions from parents. Mrs. Sajitha K. N. (PTA Secretary) extended a warm welcome to all present on th occasion. Majority of parents attended the meeting. Dr. Joshi C. O. (Head of the Institution) and Mrs. Shareena Johny (Vice-principal) presented an overview of the students’ academic performance, covering key subjects, attendance records and overall progress. Positive achievements are acknowledged, while areas which needed improvement were discussed constructively. Information about add-on courses was shared with parents. The meeting concluded with gratitude for the active participation of parents. After the general meeting, class meetings were held under the leadership of respective class teachers.