Parents meeting of first semester degree students was conducted on 30th & 31st January, 2023 at Saint Chavara hall. Majority of parents attended the meeting. The main aganda of the meeting was evaluation of internal examination results, importance of internal assessment, general discipline in the college and suggestions and recommendations from the parents. Our college director, Rev. Fr. Jijo Theethai CMI, said that the cooperation of parents along with the teachers is necessary to achieve excellence in curricular and co-curricular activities of the students. He informed that the parents should contact the teachers once a week for that purpose. He also mentioned the importance of students reaching the college on time. Head of the Institution, Dr. Joshi C. O., informed that the internal examinations of the first semester students were conducted on time and the result were published. He talked about the role of parents to improve the exam results of the students. He stressed the need for students to focus on internal assessment. He mentioned the importance of enforcing discipline in the college and sought the full cooperation of the parents for the same. He informed that students should not be in the campus before 8.30am and after 4.30pm and strict action will be taken on violation of the rule. Suggestions given by parents were very positive. Our Vice Principal Mrs. Shareena Johny gave vote of thanks. PTA Secretary Mrs. Sajitha K. N., faculty of Department of Management, and PTA Joint Secretary Mrs. Jasmin E. V., Faculty of Department of Commerce, co-ordinated the activities related to the conduct of meetings on the aforesaid dates.